SD Card Issues

SD cards used in the controller can present two types of issues:

  • Slow to return request for a Single Sector read
  • Error when attempting to read a sector

Slow to return request for a Single Sector read

SD card manufactures sort and sell their cards mostly on the multi-sector read capability. The time associated with making a single sector available to the controller can range into the tens of milliseconds.

When the SD card is SLOW to return the requested sector data, the controller does not have the audio/lighting data required so a “TIC” is heard in the audio.

I recommend you ONLY use A1 or A2 type SD cards. The “A” stands for “Application” and these cards are tested and sorted to provide fast single sector read response than a standard or ultra SD card.

The controller can’t help remove the “TICs” – Is all in the SD card’s performance capabilities.

Error when attempting to read a sector

This type of error can occur for two reasons: First – an actual read error based on a failure to read the sector. Second – the SD card failed to return ANY communication with the required time period – it’s a “Timeout” error. All of the errors I have seen of this type are timeout related.

The controller can detect this failure mode and attempt to reset the card and continue with the sequence where the error occurred. You will most likely hear a TIC when this action is taken. The controller attempts to recover several times before it terminates playing the song/sequence that has the error and moves on to the next song.

These error are reported in the controller’s web page – “Debug”.

If you get many of these errors, I would suggest you format the SD card on your computer. If using Windows, make sure your “UNCHECK” the “Quick Format” button as that option does nothing to the SD card’s data area. A FULL Format will take 30 to 40 minutes to complete. If you still get many of these errors, consider replacing the card. Remember to get an A1 or A2 type SD card for reasons stated at the beginning of this post.

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